Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Focus on…. Administration!
The Director's say on FOGM Administration
The administration team is the engine room of the whole ministry! God has given
great grace, skill and unity throughout our staff, which I praise Him for
immensely. In the atmosphere of servant leadership, such as I see in our office,
I sense God’s “commanded blessings” (Ps. 133), flowing daily and how honored I
feel to be serving with such a team.
~ Carole Vezey
While people enjoy hearing the exciting stories of decsions to follow Jesus…broken hearts being mended by Jesus’ love…kids being given a home…and all the front-line work that FOGM does, there is a team of support staff who, like Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms, provide the behind-the-scenes help that the front-line troops need in order to do their jobs. That team is headed by…
Francisco Onencan,
Francisco came to FOGM after putting himself through university. This was no small feat since he had been a street kid for some years; constantly looking for food and a place to sleep that was safe and working at any odd jobs he could find. While on the streets of Gulu during the war years, Francisco was shot at several times and once robbers beat him and held a gun to his head. As they pulled the trigger he shouted, “Jesus!” and the gun failed to fire. That’s when he gave his life to the LORD.
Like the conductor of an orchestra, it is Francisco’s job as administrator to make sure the support services are working well together and providing what is needed by those in the front lines. But his greatest love is the prison ministry, which he also heads up. Every week he leads a team to the prison, bearing soap, or Bibles, or something that would make life easier for the prisoners. And he and his team preach the Gospel, pray and encourage the believers to follow Jesus, even in the difficult environment of prison.
David Oyite,
David gives God all the credit for keeping him and his family safe throughout the war, but that doesn’t mean that there have been no difficulties in his life. He and his friends did face persecution in his secondary school for sharing the Gospel with fellow students. But, this only served to make him stronger in his faith and commitment to the LORD.
David has been called a “jack of all trades” and master of many! He does all the photos and graphics for FOGM brochures and newsletters, as well as works on informational videos and keeps the FOGM computers programmed and updated. David also works in the Bible distribution program, teaching Bible study methods on Tuesdays and Thursdays to those who have asked to be given a Bible.
Harriet Lamunu,
Any morning you can hear Harriet praising her wonderful LORD and King. She started following Jesus when she was 12 years old and prayed her parents into the Kingdom about a year later. The LORD is truly Harriet’s joy and that is evident as she frequently leads praise and worship during our morning prayer time.
Although Harriet is Acholi, she has lived most of her life in Kampala; returning about 8 months ago to join the staff of FOGM as an accounts assistant. Through God’s faithfulness, she will continue her studies towards an accounting degree at Gulu University.
Charles Ejoku,
Ministry Assistant
As a young boy in Tororo, eastern Uganda, Charles’ education was sponsored by Carole Vezey, founder of FOGM. Charles did well in the advanced level courses he was taking in high school and when he finished, Carole invited him to work with Favor of God. He now works in the accounting department, but also helps out wherever he is needed.
Charles started following Jesus when he was 14 years old, through the ministry of Scripture Union and, in the future, he would like to minister to children and youth in a pastoral/shepherding role. He looks forward to continuing with further studies at college.
James Okema,
James has had several careers since becoming an adult: teacher, agriculturalist and pilot, to name a few. The upheavals in Uganda, not only those caused by the LRA but also in the years preceding the rebellion, have affected James and his family deeply. But the faithfulness and goodness of God has carried him through them all.
With an insatiable appetite to learn, James began studying at New Life Bible College and got to know about FOGM. After some time, he was asked to help with driving and to use the gifts God had given him to help in the ministry. His vision is to reach people with the Gospel through his work with Favor of God Ministries.
Fred Latim,
Through a youth plagued by fear and terror brought on by the civil war that was raging all around him, Fred was kept alive by God’s grace…even before he knew Who God was! As an adult, Fred found himself plagued by fear. But when he put his trust in Jesus and was born-again, the fear left him immediately.
Fred is a graduate of Glad Tidings Bible College in Kampala and pastors the Four Square Gospel Church in Gulu, when he isn’t transporting FOGM staff or children, fetching water or running necessary errands. But the vision and passion of his life is for the Body of Christ in Gulu to be united and to bring transformational revival to northern Uganda.
Based on Proverbs 37:4, Fred believes that God has put this desire in his heart and he believes that God will accomplish it.
Well, there you have it: the Aarons and Hurs of the FOGM family. And you can ask anyone, from Carole to the newest field worker and they’d say, “We couldn’t do it without them!” Thanks, guys, for a job well done!
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