Small beginnings…

This home for orphaned children was begun in March of 2006 with the admission of four children who were referred to FOGM by World Vision.
Since that small beginning, the House of Hope (HOH) family has grown to a capacity of 31 orphans and has moved to a large house and compound in the Senior Quarters district of Gulu. We believe that God will use these children as instruments of healing for our land as well as future leaders for this country. HOH is committed to being an agent of God’s provision for these children, in both the natural and the spiritual, so that they can become adults who are committed to King Jesus and His Kingdom.
House of Hope’s Facility and Staff...
The girls and boys sleeping quarters, with their triple-decker bunk beds are a hive of activity as the children prepare for school each morning. The older children help and encourage the younger ones to “hurry or we’ll be late!” But it’s the airy family room of House of Hope that welcomes children and visitors alike with colorful pictures and posters, all centering around a large painting of an African Jesus playing football with a group of children. This is the Jesus that the staff desires to share with the children…a Jesus who knows their joys and sorrows and will help them…a Jesus who is wonderful and awesome, yet fun and approachable…A Jesus that loves them just the way they are. The on-site staff of 6 “mamas” and 1 “elder brother” is committed to the children and to seeing those children come into a personal relationship with Jesus…a relationship that will change their lives and give them hope and a future.
The entire staff includes:
Norma Caddell, Director
Hope Onen, House of Hope Supervisor
Jennifer Adong, Assistant supervisor
Grace Akello, Children’s worker
Jackline Aloyojok, Children’s worker
Irene Auma, Children’s worker
Betty Adong, Children’s worker
Christine Laker, Children’s worker
Patrick Ojera, Children’s worker
Grace Akello, Children’s worker
Jackline Aloyojok, Children’s worker
Irene Auma, Children’s worker
Betty Adong, Children’s worker
Christine Laker, Children’s worker
Patrick Ojera, Children’s worker
Ceasar Olum, Security guard
Additionally, many of the FOGM staff who work in other ministries volunteer their free time to play and visit with, teach and just “be with” the children, giving them an extended family that loves and cares about them. Through the mentoring of both women and men staff members and through spiritual nurturing and training, House of Hope is working to see children loved, healed and given a stable family environment in which to develop their identities as children of God and come into their destinies in Christ.
The substance of things hoped for…
Additionally, many of the FOGM staff who work in other ministries volunteer their free time to play and visit with, teach and just “be with” the children, giving them an extended family that loves and cares about them. Through the mentoring of both women and men staff members and through spiritual nurturing and training, House of Hope is working to see children loved, healed and given a stable family environment in which to develop their identities as children of God and come into their destinies in Christ.
The substance of things hoped for…
Jesus said that all who are involved in bringing His Kingdom to earth, in whatever capacity, share in the rewards together. (See John 4:34-38) God is raising up a generation in northern Uganda that will bring His Kingdom to this war-torn land. Thank you for standing with us in faith, so that we can realize things hoped for…at House of Hope.
Hope & A Future
Because we serve a BIG GOD, we have BIG DREAMS for House of Hope! We want to see a 10 acre Children’s Village with small, family style homes housing 8-10 children per home, with a widow serving as house-mother. 10 clusters of these homes would make up a village, giving 100 children a home, hope, and a future. As many as 10 villages would be built ministering to 1,000 children. Schools, vocational and recreational areas, clinics, and chapels would be part of the villages as well. Christian dads from the community, as well as mentors and leaders from Favor of God Ministries, would be involved in the children’s lives as surrogate fathers. Pray to the God of all hope, that these dreams will become a reality in the near future.
From the House of Hope Director….
House of servant leadership, such as I see in our office, I sense God’s “commanded blessings” (Ps. 133), flowing daily and how honored I feel to be serving with such a team.